Our machinery

A modern and future-oriented mold making and injection molding company like us has to have an appropriately equipped machinery fleet. We guarantee up-to-date quality standards with CNC track-controlled milling and eroding machines as well as modern CAD and CAM.

Our biggest advantage is that we can carry out all work steps in our Beilngries plant and do not have to outsource any of them. Since only our highly qualified employees work with your product, we can promise you safety and the best quality — both in terms of material and processing.

On this basis, we manufacture smaller molds and injection molding tools, but also those up to a size of 3,300 mm x 2,300 mm, which weigh up to 25 tons.

We offer you an overview of all the equipment available to us in our mold making machinery fleet here.

Current list of machinery

[German only]

4CAD-Arbeitsplätze Catia V4 und V5
6CAM-Arbeitsplätze WORKNC
1TRIMILL VU 1711-2205 vertikale Portalfräse
1Huron KX 200 Portal-Fräsmaschine HSC 5-Achs Simultan 3, 3.300 x 2.300 x 1.000, Tischbelastung 10 to
1Huron KX 10 Portal-Fräsmaschine HSC, 1.000 x 700 x 550
1Huron KX 10 Portal-Fräsmaschine HSC, 1.200 x 1.000 x 650
1Bettfräsmaschine FBE 1500 HSC, im CAM-Verbund
1HSC-Fräsmaschine 1.000 Firma Röders, im CAM-Verbund
1CNC-Fräsmaschine MH Deckel 103 V, im CAM-Verbund
2Fräsmaschinen Maho 500 W, 3D-Bahngesteuert
1Fräsmaschine Deckel FP 3
1Fräsmaschine Deckel FP 1
1Deckel FP 4 NC
1Fräsmaschine MTE BT 3.200
2Huron VX8
1Huron K3X 8 five
1Flachschleifmaschine mit Schleifweg 1.000 x 600, Firma Geibel & Hotz
1Flachschleifmaschine mit Schleifweg 600 x 400, Firma Geibl & Hotz
1Flachschleifmaschine ZT 48 mit Schleifweg 800 x 400, Firma Ziersch
1Ingersoll Erodiermaschine Gantry 1.000, Beckengröße 1.600 x 900, Tischbelastung 10 to
1Ingersoll Erodiermaschine Gantry 800
1Ingersoll Erodiermaschine Gantry 500
1Ingersoll Funkenerosionsmaschine Eagke 1.200
1Tuschierpresse AGEO 1.000 kN
1Tuschierpresse TUS 160 Reis
1CNC-Drehmaschine, Firma Kern
1Drehmaschine GDW LZ280 G basicline
1Bohrwerk IXION
3Stickelschleifmaschinen, Firma Deckel
1Ablenkmaschine, Firma Degen
1Graviermaschine Deckel CM 21
1Bandsäge Meba Swing 320G-HSS
1Bandsäge Kasto partical U2
1Bohrmaschine Reform
1Startlochbohrmaschine River 600
1Bohrwerk IXION
1Laserbearbeitungsstation HTS 100
1Autogenschweißgerät Castolin
1Schweißgerät Micro Spot
1Drahtschneidemaschine Sodick AG 600 L

Stand 06/2020